Individual Therapy

I am warm, caring and straightforward, with a deep respect for my client’s struggles and strengths. I value my client’s perspectives and insights and together we try to come to deeper levels of understanding. Individuals face their issues at their own pace, as they explore the roots of their present suffering. As therapy progresses the climate of acceptance and non-judgment helps clients to become more self- accepting, secure in themselves and empowered to face the challenges in their lives.

People often come to me because they are in crisis, because they are in pain or they are simply stuck in patterns that keep leading to more distress in their lives. Others seek an arena for personal growth. Depending on your issues and goals, therapy may be short or long term.

A large body of research shows that individual therapy helps most people. Depressed individuals find a new sense of confidence, hope and opportunity. Anxious people find more solid grounding and a growing sense of security. Relationships which were formerly destructive transform and deepen.

Therapy is an adventure, an exploration that can lead to profound emotional healing. Therapy can offer a unique knowledge like no other, where you are heard and learn. It is a process which leads to letting go of your fears and gaining a sense of control over what has been holding you back from living your full potential.

Don’t turn your head
keep looking
at the bandaged place.
That’s where
the light enters you”

– Rumi, great Persian poet

I encourage you to take this first important step and contact me:

413 841 1251 or 518 794 8285 or email me at [email protected]
Please talk to me and ask me any questions you may have.